Skilled Migration in Australia Vs Canada- What are the Similarities?
Canada and Australia are the paradise of worldwide skilled professionals. They offer best professional opportunities, growth environment, quality of life, and social security benefits for the individuals coming to these countries as skilled migrants. In order to combat existing skill shortage, both the countries embrace highly skilled professionals from all parts of the world. Both Australia and Canada are incredibly advanced nation and have structured numerous pathways for allowing skilled migrants in the country. If you are a skilled professionals looking for the skilled migration pathways in any of the two countries, lets explore and find out the same. Similarities between Skilled Immigration in Canada and Australia There are several similarities between the immigration system particularly, the economic immigration program of Canada and Australia. For instance, both the countries have a point based immigration system for skilled immigration, which review the skilled migrants based on their age, education, language ability, experience, etc. criteria. Moreover, both Australia and Canada have more than one immigration program or visa category for the skilled Immigration. Also Read Why Canada and Australia accept so many skilled immigrants?The Permanent Residency Program of both the countries is almost identical. Both the countries provide point based permanent residence programs. The Permanent residence visa of both countries has more or less same processing time, i.e. 6 months. Though, Australia can be said to have slightly faster processing time compared to Canada. The benefits of the PR visa are also similar in both these immigrant-friendly countries. The key pathways for skilled migration to Australia and Canada are as below:
- Skilled Immigration for PR
This immigration pathway is purely based on the skills, experience, education, and language proficiency of a candidate. Applicants can directly apply for visa through this pathway to find Permanent Residency in Canada or Australia. Both the countries havepoint based selection criteria for skilledmigration. In Canada Federal Express Entry System offers a pathway to get Permanent Residency in Canada without any sponsorship or nomination, whereas in Australia Subclass 189 visa allows you to get PR visa without the need of any sponsorship or nomination from Australia.
- State or territory nominated for PR
To move to Canada or Australia through this pathway, an applicant requires the nomination from any State or territory in Australia or Canada. The State nomination helps you move to Canada or Australia on a permanent basis. In Canada, Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) provide you the provincial nomination pathway for PR, where as in Australia Subclass 190 visa offers the State Nomination pathway for permanent residency. The other identical aspect about the skilled migration in Canada and Australia is that both countries are very particular about their immigration rules, procedures, and guidelines. Hence, any violation to visa and immigration rules is taken quite seriously by the Immigration department in both the countries, i.e. Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP- Australia). Hence, if you aspire to obtain a visa in any of these countries, you must coordinate with trusted Visa and Immigration Consultancy Service. Visas Avenue Immigration is one such Immigration Documentation Consultancy that specializes in Australia and Canada Immigration Process. If you have plans to move to any of these countries, you may send your query and details to the expert at Visas Avenue on email id- You may also call the Visas Avenue Immigration expert on Toll-Free Number- 78-18-000-777. Disclaimer: Visas Avenue does not deal in any type of job or job assistance services. Visas Avenue is not ajob recruitment agent or job service provider. Visas Avenue does not offer consultancy on / overseas jobs/work permits/international or domestic placements.