Planning to Move to Canada? Get your file prepared fast to apply in upcoming intake of SINP

What is Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP)?
The SINP is the most popular immigration program of the Saskatchewan province in Canada. Its a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) that runs in coordination with the federal government. It aims to select highly skilled and talented immigrants for permanent residency in Saskatchewan province, as per the annual immigration quota allocated to it by IRCC.
The popularity of this program is evident from the fact that its every intake gets capped very fast. Every year thousands of individuals apply for SINP and subsequently, go on to immigrate to Canada.
What are the key streams of SINP?
You may apply in any of the below four keys streams of SINP:
- Saskatchewan Express Entry
- International Skilled Worker Category
- Saskatchewan Experience Category; and
- Entrepreneur and Farm Category
The province of Saskatchewan get the maximum number of applications for all the above categories every year.
How to apply in SINP?
You may apply for SINP in the easy steps:
- First of all, read the instructions about SINP carefully and obtain all the essential documents
- Now create the account on Saskatchewans official website and submit EOI mentioning all your key details.
- Submit online application after uploading all essential documents
- SINP will review your submitted profile. You will be intimated if any additional documentation is required.
- If your profile is selected, you will get the nomination from the province.
- On receipt of the provincial nomination, you need to apply for the visa to IRCC within six months.
Why you must apply in SINP at earliest?
If you want to move to Canada through a SINP program, you must prepare your file in advance to avoid the last minute chaos. Every year, thousands of applicants apply in SINP and to survive in the competition and make your place in the final list of selected applicants for the nomination, you must apply as soon as the program opens.
The trends of last few years suggest that SINP will be capped very quickly this time as well. Hence, coordinate with a reliable immigration consultancy service now to prepare your file for forthcoming SINP.
How Visas Avenue can help you apply in SINP?
The Visas Avenue - is a prominent and registered Visa and Immigration Consultancy Company in India that specializes in Canada Immigration and Visa Process. To get your file best prepared for Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP), you may coordinate with the reliable and experience immigration experts at Visas Avenue. Visas Avenue will help you from start till last in Canada Immigration Process.
Talk to the Visas Avenue expert on our Toll-Free No: 78-18-000-777. Drop a mail to us at in case you have any immigration related query or question.
Disclaimer: Visas Avenue does not deal in any type of job or job assistance services. Visas Avenue is not ajob recruitment agent or job service provider. Visas Avenue does not offer consultancy on / overseas jobs/work permits/international or domestic placements.