What are the key reasons behind Australia PR visa rejection?

If you are afraid about your Australia PR visa rejectionthen this article is for you. We know how it feels when a visa application gets rejected, and the time, money, and effort you have invested goes in vain. With the Australian Government carefully scrutinizing every PR visa application by adopting a much-tougher approach, applying for PR visa approvals with lesser knowledge and understanding can land you in trouble. Thus, we always recommend that all aspiring immigrants keep the key points in mind before going ahead with their Australia PR process to avoid unwanted application processing delays and visa refusals at an initial stage.
Top 5 reasons for rejection of Australia PR Visa:
Selecting the wrong visa type- This is one of the most common reasons. With more than 140 visas subclasses, which comes with their unique selection requirements, conditions, and process, an applicant may apply for a visa type that doesn't suit their profile. However, consulting a trained immigration advisor can help them better understand the requirements and choose the appropriate visa type through a detailed profile evaluation. Violating previous visa conditions- You may disqualify for a PR Visa in Australia if you failed to meet your last temporary visa (if any). In addition, the authorities can reject your visa application if you are misusing the privileges of an Australian PR visa. Incompleteness or inaccuracy- Your visa application may get rejected if you provide any misleading or incomplete information. To avoid such a scenario, you must double-check your application before submission. Always ensure that you provide all the required information, documents and proofs as asked by the DHA. Failure to meet Australia's health and character requirements- You can face an application rejection on the grounds of any health ailment. For example, suppose the health issues could be a financial burden on Australia's medical system, like HIV, heart conditions, mental health issues or cancer, then DHA may refuse your visa application. Australia also follows a zero-tolerance policy towards criminals. Applications are examined individually, and the application can get rejected if an applicant has a past criminal record, history of harassment or association with any criminal organization. Lack of enough proof of funds- Before entering Australia as a PR visa holder, the DHA ensures that all applicants have enough funds to support their accompanying family members' stay financially. So, you must provide proof of your available funds and supporting documents to avoid application rejection at the initial stage. We hope you find the information relevant and can help you make a better decision for better outcomes. To apply for Australia PR this year, you may connect with our team of visa and immigration consultants at Toll-Free No. 78-18-000-777.