DIBP Cautioned Youngsters to choose right Visa to move to Australia

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) has cautioned the young skilled workers to select the right visa category in order to move to Australia. The statement in this regard has been issued by the officials that youngsters must beware of the luring offers.
Beware of Luring Offers
The officials have warned the youngsters to beware of the attractive offers to live and work in Australia that ultimately results in youngsters working in the wrong occupation with low wages, poor working conditions, and incorrect visa as well.
Various means are being used by the Scammers
There are a few scammers, which are using the Facebook, etc. to tempt and mislead the people. Hence, DIBP has warned the people to be alert about any such offers that seem too sweet to be genuine.
Such fraudulent agents wrongly convince the people that student visa, bridging visa, tourist visa, etc. are valid to work fulltime in Australia, which is not true at all. These agents persuade people to get admission in an Australian Technical college and subsequently escape.
Refrain from agents who claim Visas are for sale
The spokesperson of the DIBP (Department of Immigration and Border Protection) has said that Australian Visas are not for sale, they can only be acquiring through the official procedures. The people must refrain from such agents, etc. who claim that visas are for sale.
It is illegal to work on incorrect visa in Australia
As per the DIBP spokesman, the people are warned not to get tricked by these scams, as if you violate the visa guidelines or conditions, you can be arrested and removed along with a ban of three years.
Get Australia Immigration advice & assistance from Genuine and Registered Immigration experts
We at Visas Avenue as prominent and registered Visa Consultancy Service, urge all the Australia immigration aspirants to beware of such agents who mislead or misguide you regarding Australian Visas and immigration procedure.
To get the expert advice or suggestion regarding Australian Visas or immigration process from the genuine immigration professionals, you may send your queries to email id info@visasavenue.com. Moreover, to speak directly to the certified immigration expert for Australia, call at contact nos. 011-48447777 (Delhi), 040-42467777 (Hyderabad), or 080-46668222 (Bangalore).
You may fill the free assessment form here to confirm your eligibility for Australias point-based skilled visas.
Disclaimer: Visas Avenue does not deal in any type of job or job assistance services. Visas Avenue is not ajob recruitment agent or job service provider. Visas Avenue does not offer consultancy on / overseas jobs/work permits/international or domestic placements.